Our office administrators will directly assist you in identifying the best fit practitioner for your individual, parenting, or family needs.
Kelowna Professional Group is designed to meet a niche market of clientele seeking professional services that can be trusted. Our group consists of a variety of health care professionals with Registration in Social Work, Clinical Counselling and Acupuncture with years of experience in our community. Trixie Hennessey and Vincent Matlo conduct formal office treatment, and assessment, along with community involvement to assist with troubled youth and adults needing assistance realizing their goals while Michael Schulting performs formal office treatments of Acupuncture, SCENAR, and PEMF.
The history of KPG is a long one, with original members still practicing. In meeting Kelowna’s needs, KPG grew sufficiently to become two distinct groups, one of solely psychologists and another of many disciplines. Kelowna Psychologists Group emerged in 2014 as the largest group of psychologists in the valley, servicing all ages and types of clientele.